
Objective: The aim of our study was to examine the factors associated with mortality in patients who underwent percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) and identify biomarkers that may guide clinical practice.

Methods: This retrospective observational study included adults who underwent PEG placement in our center. Demographic data, date of PEG placement, inpatient ward, PEG indication, time from admission to PEG placement, post-PEG complications, and outcome (discharge/mortality) were recorded. Logistic regression analysis was performed to identify factors associated with 90-day and 6-month mortality.

Results: Of 100 patients included in the study, 52% were men and the median age was 73 years. The most common indication for PEG was malignancy (n=25, 25%). The most common minor complication was minor peristomal bleeding and peristomal infection requiring tube removal The most common major complication was aspiration pneumonia. Thirty-eight patients (38.0%) died within 90 days and 52 patients (52.0%) died within 6 months of PEG placement. The odds of 90-day mortality were 57.5% lower per 1-unit increase in total serum protein level (odds ratio [OR]: 0.425, 95% CI: 0.230–0.888; p=0.021), 1.6% higher per 1-unit increase in serum CRP (OR: 1.016, 95% CI: 1.006–1.027; p=0.003), and 13.6 times higher in patients with aspiration pneumonia (OR: 13.631, 95% CI: 2.997–61.988; p=0.001). For 6-month mortality, a 1-unit increase in serum albumin level was associated with 81.4% lower odds (OR: 0.186, 95% CI; 0.081–0.430; p<0.001) and aspiration pneumonia with 22 times higher odds (OR: 21.984, 95% CI: 2.412–200.342; p=0.006).

Conclusion: Aspiration pneumonia, low total serum protein and albumin levels, and high CRP level were associated with higher mortality.

Keywords: PEG, indication, complication, mortality, biomarker

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How to cite

Seyhan S, Tosun Taşar P, Karaşahin Ö, Albayrak B, Sevinç C, Şahin S. Complications and factors associated with mortality in patients undergoing percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy. Clin Sci Nutr. 2024;6(2):97-106. doi:10.62210/ClinSciNutr.2024.89


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