
Objective: Coffee might be effective in the treatment of obesity with its high polyphenol and caffeine content. In this regard, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of different coffee types on body weight, food intake, and biochemical parameters in obese rats.

Methods: Wistar Albino adult male rats were randomly divided into four groups (one control and three coffee groups) after obesity development (after six weeks), and three types of coffee (Turkish coffee, instant coffee, filter coffee) administration were performed for two weeks.

Results: Food consumption was statistically significantly lower in the Turkish coffee (15,6±1,06 g/d) and filter coffee group (16,9±0,8 g/d) compared to the control group (18,5±0,6) in the eighth-week (p<0.001). At the end of two weeks, there is no difference between the groups regarding weight in the rats (p>0.05). However, the body weight gain (g) change was lower in the Turkish coffee group (p<0.001). There was no significant difference between groups in biochemical parameters. However, negative correlations were obtained between NE (ng/L), Leptin (ng/ml), Adiponectin (mg/L), UCP-1 (ng/L), UCP-2 (ng/L), UCP-3 (ng/L) and average energy intake (kcal) in Turkish coffee administrated rats.

Conclusion: According to the study results, coffee consumption, especially Turkish coffee, has a reducing effect on food intake. This effect is likely due to the higher phenolic content of the given Turkish coffee than the same amount of filter and instant coffee. Further studies are needed to explain the effects of coffee consumption on body weight and other casual relationships, especially in the long term.

Keywords: Body weight, obesity, coffee, caffeine

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How to cite

Macit Çelebi MS, Köksal E. Is coffee effective on food intake in high fat diet-fed obese rats?. Clin Sci Nutr. 2024;6(2):57-66. doi:10.62210/ClinSciNutr.2024.85


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